At Evolv, we disclose sensitive information only to trusted security partners who share our mission: to prevent or mitigate threats and attacks by working against adversaries to keep the public safe. Similar to cybersecurity and counterterrorism, protecting the methods and means, and sharing them only with trusted security partners, is critical to preventing the exposure of potential vulnerabilities and compromising a security plan. This includes disclosure regarding the performance of our technology in relation to relevant industry standards and best practices, but also includes vital information that falls outside industry standards.

We work with trusted security partners to craft the best and most effective security plan in utilizing our systems for their unique business needs. We do not hesitate to provide all appropriate information that is relevant to their Threat Vulnerability & Risk Assessments (TVRA). In all disclosure decisions, we respond to their requests for information. Our customers all have non-disclosure obligations to us.

We share best practices and provide training to our customers that includes sensitive information about how to effectively deploy our systems. This includes practical and operational training for guards and other security staff. The threat landscape is dynamic and ever-changing, and new best practices are constantly emerging. We therefore strive to communicate to them the most current and relevant information as it becomes available.

Accomplishing our mission requires us to both share sensitive information with trusted security partners while also keeping it out of the hands of adversaries. We continue to develop and refine our thinking about transparency in consultation with security experts and advisors.