With Evolv Technology, Nasdaq MarketSite Experience for Clients and Guests Aims for Efficiency

With Evolv Technology, Nasdaq MarketSite Experience for Clients and Guests Becomes More Efficient

The guest experience at MarketSite is critical, but the safety and security of guests are just as vital. Managing these two often juxtaposed requirements is not an easy undertaking. Ken Kuhn, the head of Operational Security at Nasdaq knows this challenge well. “We have CEOs from some of the biggest companies in the world coming to MarketSite,” he notes. “It was not a good look to push them through manual screenings, followed by having them turn their pockets inside out and remove all of their items from their bags. We aspire to ensure that our guests’ first experience at a Nasdaq facility is a positive one.” Kuhn goes on to say “When the Evolv Express® system came out, it did exactly what we wanted” and through implementing the Express they were able to:

  • Help create an efficient security ingress experience for employees, clients, and client guests
  • Help reduce security queues for entry into MarketSite
  • Help scale business without adding security staff Read the case study to learn how you can start your journey to an efficient security screening solution today.
With Evolv Technology, Nasdaq MarketSite Experience for Clients and Guests Becomes More Efficient

Read the case study to learn how you can start your journey to a more secure and guest-friendly security screening solution today.

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