Fayette County Schools Deploy Evolv Express® Systems Aimed at Fostering a Safe and Respectful Learning Environment

Topic - K-12 Schools
Fayette County Schools Deploy Evolv Express® Systems to Foster a Safe and Respectful Learning Environment

“We are committed to fostering a learning environment where our students feel safe and respected. We proactively pursued the GiveEvolv program on the premise that it would serve as a key enabler of this mission,” said Gary Hough, Superintendent of Fayette County Schools. Hough also wanted to find a solution that would enable Fayette County Schools to screen students, staff, and visitors for threats when entering school facilities. On previous occasions, and only in severe crises, some of the high schools in the district had used manual security screenings to search students for weapons upon their arrival in the morning. “We knew these weren’t a viable option,” says Katie Keffer Hayes, the Principal at Oak Hill High School, which has around 1,100 students. “We had long queues pile up at our entrances, which were a threat themselves, and many of our students missed their first period of classes. Manual security screenings were simply not a viable option for schools.” They then applied for the GiveEvolv Grant – which aims to grant schools with a fully funded Express system and subscription for 4 years. The GiveEvolv board selected Fayette County Schools, concluding they had found the perfect inaugural candidate for the program. By implementing the Evolv Express, Fayette County Schools were able to:

  • Helped to reduce lines for students waiting to pass through security screening
  • Helped to reduce secondary security check alarms from around 40% to less than 10%
  • Helped to bolster security of students and staff with the aim to promote a learning environment

Read the case study to learn how you can start your journey to an efficient security screening solution at your school today.

View more of our case studies on our resources page here.