Boston College Deploys Evolv Express® with the Aim of Addressing Student Safety on Campus
Boston College has a rich tradition in athletics, touting the Alumni Stadium which holds 45,000 football fans, and a basketball and hockey center, Conte Forum, that holds 8,600 fans for basketball and 7,500 for hockey. The college also has a softball field with a capacity of 2,500 and a lacrosse field with a capacity of 2,000.
Around 2019, Conway and his team evaluated an alternative solution and ultimately determined it was not the right fit for the campus. The Boston College team continued its search for a different security screening approach and discovered it due to a chance encounter with Evolv Technology. Conway cites several reasons behind the decision to purchase Evolv, including their goals to provide consistent screening, positive student experiences, and actionable data insights. With Evolv Express systems in place, Boston College has seen reductions in their security lines, leading to more time spent in concessions and retail shops.. The response to Evolv from the Boston College “family” has been overwhelmingly positive per Conway.
By enabling the Evolv Express®, Boston College was able to achieve the following:
- Shrink time for stadium ingress (arrival to seats) by more than 50%.
- Redeploy Express systems quickly and easily between locations.
- Increase concession and retail store spending.
- Integrate the Express mass communication feature with local police, with an aim to foster faster emergency responses.
Case Study Video
Watch how Boston College supports their visitor and student experience with Evolv Express®
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