New Product of the Year Award…More Industry Recognition

Each year, Security Today presents awards for the best new products across a variety of categories. The winners are chosen by an independent group of experts. For 2021, I am proud to say, Evolv has been named as the 2021 New Product of the Year in the Pedestrian Security Entrances category.
This is yet another important industry-wide recognition of our mission to create a safer world and set a new standard for physical security in the 21st century. Evolv Express® is the first and only weapons detection security screening system powered by advanced sensors and artificial intelligence to deliver a safer, fast, and friction-free experience for patrons.
When you think about the category in which we were selected, Pedestrian Security Entrances, the first images that probably come to mind are metal detectors—and the long lines and laborious processes of patrons pulling out their phones, emptying their pockets, and walking one at a time through a threshold that is obtrusive and not at all welcoming. As we still grapple with a global pandemic, these images seem not only incongruous and out of touch; they’re frankly a security threat.
Unfortunately, this outdated 20th-century metal detection technology has been the standard for Pedestrian Security Entrances for a long time—not because it is particularly effective, but because developing a better, modern replacement based on advanced software and digital technology has not been an easy task. And being able to meet the standards of the professionals we work with using artificial intelligence and advanced sensors to detect weapons, took herculean efforts. The product works. That’s easy to say but difficult to back. We can.
And now, more than ever, we need it. There were 452 mass shootings in the U.S. to date in 2021, according to the gun violence archive, surpassing 417 in all of 2019. More venues and employers that never considered security screening technology are looking for solutions. Airport and prison security is not the answer for the performing arts, casinos, schools, tourist sites, and places of worship.
We’ve done the work, put in the time, collaborated with the best security professionals in the business (our customers) and we have built and delivered a new standard for weapons detection in the digital age. Not only can visitors walk right through at the pace of life, but they are better protected, and security professionals can redeploy their efforts to more pressing security concerns vs invasive bag checks.
It is an honor to see our work and our vision capture the attention of industry leaders such as Security Today and its readers. As Security Today noted, their New Product of the Year Award “honors the outstanding product development achievements of the security equipment manufacturers whose products are considered to be particularly noteworthy in their ability to improve security.”
Congratulations are in order to our dedicated team of engineers, who live their mission daily by transforming security to enhance everyone’s life. One more notable step on our journey to make the world a safer place to live, work, and play.